Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die
Before you do
I'll go to heaven
And wait for you
I'll give the angels
Back their wings
And risk the loss
Of everything
Just to prove
My friendship is true
I'm thankful to have
Family and Friends like you!
Time will say nothing but i told you so, Time only knows the price we have to pay; If i could tell you i would let you know.
If we should weep then clowns put on their show, If we should stumble when musicians play, Time will say nothing but i told you so.
There are no fourtunes to be told,although, Because i love you more than i can say, If i could tell you i would let you know.
The winds must come from somewhere when they blow, There must be reasons why the leaves decay; Time will say nothing but i told you so.
Perhaps the roses really want to grow, The vision seriously intends to stay; If i could tell you i would let you know.
Suppose the lions all get up and go, And all the brooks and soldiers run away; Will time say nothing but i told you so? iIf i could tell you i would let you know.
yay~ at last i feel so relax now cos one more paper to go only...heheheh..thats malaysian studies.that subject i dun need to crack my head about it since the paper got 40 true and false and 60 mcq.really happy cos my suffering days are over for now.my mum call me just now and feel a bit not satisfied or sad(i dun know how to describe my feeling).she ask me to bring back the digi cam to ipoh since i have the analog cam with me.haih...i want the digi cam here cos i want to take pictures....not sure what i should do but anyway,that doesnt really spoil my happy mood today.its been a long time since i post here due to exam...having hectic life few days ago...struggling like mad...study study and study.my digital exam was ok since i manage to answer eventhough i am not sure my answers are correct or not.manage to use fully 2 hours to answer all the questions :).i was kind of lucky cos that flip flop chapter got one question only.as for electronics,the paper is a bit tough but i manage to write some crap there also.hopefully can passlah.whats my plan for malaysian studies exam?hahahaha....plan to read notes which i made and thats it...some of my frens went back hometown already.feel jealous of them of course but then i am not sure why i got this feeling of not excited to go back ipoh.why ar?my form 6 frens already ask me out since their exam going to over soon.unfortunely ,i am not really looking forward to that.a bit sad few days ago when i discover a scratch on my hp...careless of me once again as usual.cant afford to lose any things anymore or else my mum is going to murder me soon.yaya,new nickname for me in the family...miss lost(dun like the sound of that) what to do?i am always the trouble maker unlike my elder sis which is miss prefect.feel a bit lonely nowadays as i am always alone all the time.planning to go hiking on friday.want to take pictures with my digicam.ming sheng mention about going to malim for steamboat...so nice...wilson got mention about that too..so badlah them..never ask me..:(...but then nvmloh,i prefer to be alone ...as most of them probably speaking mandarin all them.as usual,i am always the outcast.learn to accept that long time ago since i enter mmu.was really depressed about it at first but my exmobile oc,woon help me a lot.one thing i regret is i dun have the chance to get to know him.until now he remains as my online fren.there are times when i feel down and dun have self confidence but deep inside my heart,there is a voice asking me not to give up and continue life.thats when i dare to stand up once again and face the reality.hahaha...i think i talk some crap here...feel a bit sleepy now..nitez ,everyone!
yup,things are a bit better .what i mean is my mood .maybe it is because nothing misfortune happen to me.hehehe...i din lost any of my stuff today.(20 november).i woke up at 830 today but was lying on my bed for a while.my whole body was tired due to not enough of sleep.i slept at 4 and woke up at 8 something....hm...5hours of sleep definitely not enough for me,but nothing can be done as i need to go library with my housemate at 10.study a while in the library but went for lunch after my stomache starts to grumble again.i could feel that my mind was shutting down that time and i cant think of anything but sleep.i lie on the table and fall asleep but din really have a nice sleep as iggy was a bit disturbing me.After sleeping 30 minutes,i cant lie to myself anymore that i am tired and there is no point staying in the library if i cant get anything from my notes into my brain,there i went home and sleep straight away...once again din have a nice sleep when my neighbour's kid start to make noise and disturb my sleep.after 2 hours ,haih..went back to library of course and on the way drank some mocha to give me energy.yup,yay~ got energy to study already at last.there is one malay guy sitting at the same table as me and damn it!he was coughing quite loud and disturb others.so damn annoying.manage to study a bit of electronics and a bit of digital today.told myself i have to work hard tomorrow as there are still many doubts on my mind about my studies.actually,there are lots to write here but then i think i better keep some stuff on my mind or to myself.sometimes,there are events which cant describe by using simple words or maybe my creativity or my vocab is not sufficient.oh,yea...hope my housemate will change her mind tomorrow about studying in sec building as i prefer to study in library .went to sec building yesterday to do some survey and also to go to toilet as i have no idea what fmd is doing...few days the library's toilet dun have water and stinky smell was inside the toilet...eeewwww....my housemate said she like to try to study in sec.hope she was just joking heheheh...hmm..why i dun want to study there?i leave for those who read my blog to figure it out..hahahaha....or is it because of some other reasons i prefer to study in library?(wink * wink*)...once again my obsession of porks(secret code..)have to go back to sleep now....nitez
hmm....few days din write already but then it is nothing compare that i create this blog few months ago and din bother to write anything also...at least now is better.hehehehe..well,these few days was mostly a disaster i should say...let me start with this wednesday.i went for lunch with my fren,bennu..he is way cool ...too skinny and tall like giraffe...hahaha...nice guy with sense of humour and lots of knowledge about nutrients.we went for lunch at the food court around mmu corner..food not that nice though.time to study after lunch so we headed back to library.so damn boring and ben seems a bit quiet also.the funny thing is he has the same glow in the dark keychain except his one is with his name of course.we din talk much cos both of us also busy studying.iggy was there of course,asking me lots of questions about eng maths and digital.this went on until 5 as the library is close after 5.went back home and took a rest.oh yea...my fren yen lian from cyber came to visit me.glad that she came ..miss her a lot .stomach was grumbling so decided to go to pasar malam for dinner.went out with be though and saw lots of people in pasar...lion with his gflah...then serene and her bf also,yen with her bf...jessintha and many more.at last manage to eat the satay which each time i went to pasar malam ,that pakcik sure told me i have to wait very long and i cant wait as i have no patience...yummy,the satay taste great though..went out for supper with yen lian around 1 when she came to my house. we talked a lot of course...gossiplah...stomache so damn full plus i drank kopi ais so cant sleep...aih..stay until 4 only can sleep.the next day was the worse day for me .gonna cut it short...damn itlah! i lost my id after i have my lunch and couldnt find it back.my mood totally change and worse still my guitar class was cancel and i have wait there for almost 20 minutes....everything bad happen at once.had dinner with dilip,iggy ,carlos and adrian.that dilip talk crap as usual.saw yin san in mmu corner though...after dinner ,went back to study again...sienlah...hate digital and electronics.today was a bit better for me as i am going to receive my new digicam which i ordered few weeks ago.study a lot today also cos was doing few tutorial.cracking my head the whole day is really tired.went to finance to make the payment for a new id card...haih...there goes my rm60.my mum have scolded me last night and because of anger i yell at her .thats not right i know but that time i just cant control it .but then again i say sorry to her after i calm myself down.it is just that i had a bad day and being scolded and naggin is the last thing i expect from my mum.a bit sleepy now...nitez....ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........
gosh,i have this feeling since yesterday.haih..what happen to me?i barely study much yesterday thanks to the headache i have.i lie down my bed for a while but the headache just got worse.panadol?nah,i do not want to eat that as it doesnt help much.what else other than sit in front of my pc again?there i go again;straining my eyes in front of my pc.i put on my headphone and listen to some praise and worship song and luckily it helps to ease my headache.my stack of notes was just next to me and once i start to crack my brain to figure all those flip flop,there comes my headache again.damn it!i really hate digital..electronics is so much better.feeling a bit uncomfortable also that so my mind was set to forget about my studies and relax myself with watching charmed and listen to some great music.at the same time,i chat with a new online fren of mine,anthony.luckily ,my fren,irene online also.have a nice time chatting with her until 3 o clock when my eyes can barely open.therefore,i went to sleep.the next morning,i went for lunch after i woke up because last night i just have a light dinner.was really hungry and my stomache grumbling and the sound of drums can be heard...hahahaha....After lunch,i rest a while before i took a bath...weather was so damn hot...i hate the sun.spend the rest of the afternoon studying electronics...it is better than studying digital of course and of course took a nap also and manage to have a dream too..not going to mention about my dream here but definitely it is a sweet dream rather than a nightmare. ate chicken rice for dinner and bought slurpee from seven eleven....plan to do some tutorial later and study a nit of digital and go to sleep then.i planned to go library tomorrow and study really hard.this step has to be taken to get rid of my pc from me and at the same time,have to renew a book.elecotronics tutorial,here i come...haih...cracking my head again....
Monday, November 15, 2004
at taiping zoo...
me and my sisters...
taken when i was in form 5..last day of school...got all wet cos play waterballoon...outside my class...
picture was taken when i was oc for the orientation 2004/2005....at mosque square..
today is yet another lame sunday...boring sunday i should say.i woke up late because i cant sleep well last night.i was lying on my bed for half an hour and still cant sleep.Finally i slept at 4...haih...not a healthy lifestyle.suppose to go to church but because of i woke up late so cancel the plan.went out to have lunch because of my stomach is grumbling but unfortunely the shop was closed .then,no choice i went to the dim sum shop and tah pau some of my favourite dim sum.though the dim sum is yummy but the price of it can really make me worry about my small pocket.but then once again i think once in a while it is ok to eat it.went back home to enjoy the dim sum while watching naruto(once again i waste my time watching anime).open the lowyet forum and there i go again..wasting one hour browsing the forum.study for an hour and then sleeping bugs bother me again..making me feel lazy and the bed next to me was very tempting.my body lie on the bed and off i go dreaming in dreamland.by the time i woke up it was already 4 pm.there goes my whole afternoon without doing something useful at all.feeling a bit hungry,i make myself a sandwich and sat infront of the pc again.and now it starts to rain...nice weather to sleep...nah...i must fight those sleeping bugs...havent done my revison at all...feeling a bit hot,i think i will take a bath and then here i come!amplifier.....have to study...gambatte!jia you!...
me and my sis ...was 17 that time...taken inside house at the living room.....
me and my frens....from left is me,yean peng,ah san and seng kean...
haih,i have no idea why i have this kind of feeling.it is not the feeling of giving up life but studies...hmm...i wonder why i have such feeling?probably this is because something is bothering my mind.this should't have happen because i purposely didn't went back to ipoh so that i can study and do well in the finals instead i found that i have waste lots of time chatting ,watching movie and checking forums.Each time I open my notes or textbook to read,my mind wont be there at all and instead it already wonder to my pc which is next to me.My fren,irene has study a lot compare to me eventhough she went back to terengganu(have the concept that cant study when you are home).When she told me what she have study,it makes me feel down and guilty for wasting a lot of time.maybe i should take that as an inspiration to study.i have really one bad attitude which is i will still relax and fool around eventhough exam is very near and left everything to study at the very last minute.i think this explains why i cant do that well or my best in my exams.Frankly speaking,i am a bit tired of those people that have high expectations on me.this is because i am so afraid to let them down.i admit i do have achievements in my academic but it doesnt mean i will do well all the time.My frens look high on me and said i am smart or hardworking...blah blah...which the truth is i am not what they think i am.i am just an ordinary girl with a normal brain like any other.I do not think myself as smart instead i feel that i am damn stupid and lazy.There are a lot of silly stuff i have done in the past.i just feel that i am so damn stupid and can never do well.last semester before my result is out,i was kind of paranoid about it..keep telling myself i am going to fail but yet my parents got so much confidence in me .thats what scares me the most..i cant bare to let them down....i guess i just have to remind myself not to give up because life have to continue on ..hope i found something that will make my spirit of studying up!today is hari raya so wanna wish all my malay frens "selamat hari raya".
Saturday, November 13, 2004
the whole family...my parents,younger sis and elder sis...at oversea restaurant
at the porch of my house...
me and my fren,irene in mitc for the public cultural dance competition....