Wednesday, November 15, 2006

battle between the heart and the mind

hmm,i think there is a battle going on between my heart and my mind.well,those two are always battling and guess wat,usually my mind wins all the time.very seldom,my heart wins.wanna know why?my heart are full of imagination,fantasy ,things that will never work on reality while my mind on the other hand which have a very rational and down to earth thinking.i have been thinking a lot ever since 1st sem hols start till now.each time my heart told me something when i search my deepest feelings,my mind strongly forbid me to do probably think my mind is trying to fool me but when i think of the past,all the things that my heart leading is a mistake.yeah,my mind is smiling now because i always on its side ever since i face failure in the past.the defeat has cause my heart becoming small(not the size) has become a very fragile heart which always hide true feelings ,unable to tell anyone what it other words,my heart is trapped mind has conquer all.bow to my mind,i shall!

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