wow,cant believe how long i din blog here.another thing is this is my first post in the year 2007.yup,happy new year 2007 to the year og the pig.oink oink!oink oink! year,new resolutions of course.i hope to achieve all of the of course.brand new year,brand new start.well,exam passed and results out.i din do that well.haih.a lot of my frens did better than me.nevermind,to me,failure is just one of the step to success.aint going to give up.last sem,din do enough preparation because of elder sis wedding.cant do anything cos her wedding near to the final exam.oh yea,this year 2007,a new member join my beloved family.thats my bro in law(no longer future bro in law).well,nothing much about him.just a very tall(compare to my height)and mature guy.hometown is in kuala kangsar,working in kl.till now,i cant really accept him as a new member of the family cos it takes time for me to accept someone in the family.yea,i am a bit sensitive and very protective especially towards my parents.holidays has been really great,indeed a very relaxing one with my routine,wake up,sleep,eat and watch tv.i did went out once with my frens at night and my mum doesnt really like the idea.i bake a chocolate cake with chocolate layer at the top using cooking chocolate and it taste really good(according to my monster younger sis)i also spend some time to try to make chicken floss roll and it is just 50% success only.will ask other people on how to make it some other time.maybe my method is wrong.another thing is i fetch my sis back from school if she stayback.maybe some of you dun know that i cant drive well(it means i have driving license but cant take the car here and there)so it is an mum mention that i can take the car there(woo hoo)but i told her not now cos i dun really see the necessity of bring it here.anyway,it means when i want the car,i can ask anytime and she will definitely allow.hehe....maybe on first sem on final year,that also if my house got parking.recently,i have a new housemate and he has a car so he parks the car inside of parking,maybe i wont bring the car here cos i dun really like the idea leaving my car outside the house.though it is not my car and it is my parents,i think it is very selfish if i dun take care of it.hmmm....i feel very happy now cos the burden on my shoulder was very heavy before this and i let go of it is very light and i feel really relax without have to worry so much.i not going to give the details here about it.before this,i have to worry about this and that and you know what?the strange thing is those are not even my problems.i tired of doing that and i cant stand it anymore.i think i did the correct thing by telling that person frankly not to bother me anymore with his problems.luckily now gone liao.aiks....time to go!