fuiyoh,almost one month din post anything.hehe...well,happy new year 2006! another year has passed and i got to admit year 2005 was a remarkable year for me.though there are moments that i feel down but i guess thats life,right?ups and downs like a roller coaster.one of my favourite hobbies is watching movies,and this year,in my opnion,one of the movies that give some impact on me is the chronicles of narnia.too bad for those of you who din watch it.the character that amaze me the most if the mighty aslan(the lion).i guess i should refer aslan as "he" as it is obvious,is a male lion.he was really great and wise.his willing to sacrifice for others have really touch my heart and the moment his fur was shaved ,there are tears in my eyes.i have no idea why but i just feel sad because the fur represents the mightiness of a lion as a king.another great movie at the end of year 2005 is harry potter and the goblet of fire.though the movie din follow much from jk rowling's book,it was still a great movie.as for king kong,somehow,i feel quite dissapointed.the movie was dragged away and it starts to bored me.of course the climax is when kong fight with 3 t rex.kind of touching when kong and ann went ice skating before ambushed by the army.ok,enough about movies...hmm...i hope this year 2006 will be a great year for me.lots of resolution on mind.1st one,is wish my parents health are good and then hopefully can get good results in my exam and thirdly,hope my younger sis will grow up and think mature.she still like a little girl and blur blur.little monster of the family.oklah,gtg now cos need to study liao!