I miss my exboss!
Another two months have passed. Been busy till do not have enough time to write at all.After married around 5 months, the most popular question is "when are u planning to have kids?","are u pregnant?". Parents and frens all asking on this question. Stress giler. Guess not that fast, it has to be natural,right? Trust me, I am working hard on it. Hopefully, soon. When u are married, your school frens wont come to look for you anymore, same scenerio with unimates. Thats the difference between a single and married life. I no longer spending the time to online after work but I spend time cooking and watching tv together with my hubby, feeding my dog,and cleaning up the house. Cleaning and tidying up the house seems like a never ending task. Anyway, although there are always obstacles, but now, i know there is always someone there to support me. Arguments is unavoidable but we learn to tolerate with each other. It seriously not easy as we have gone ups and downs till the part we decided to tied the knot. There are a few times, I want to give up on the relationship but the truth is, if you really love someone, u wont easily give up one. Regarding work, it has been hell. Work like shit, stress giler and in the end, u find out your boss doesnt appreciate your work. This year has been a really hell for me at work ever since my exboss tender her resignation on May 2011. Life has been hell ever since this new boss of mine takes over. He is damn kiamsap type one till the extend, on my birthday, he never want to share the birthday cake but he still eats the cake. Thick skin,right? Really fed up with him especially he didnt promote me in Sept this year. False promises was given, and i just gave him a deaf ears. Teruk and cilaka boss!